Online Workshops
Abstract Painting Academy
David's Signature Course. Career-Changing Training by One of America's Foremost Abstract Painting Instructors.
Abstract Painting Academy is an online workshop experience specifically designed to teach you how to paint Abstract Paintings (like only you can!), Loosen Up your painting style, and use Design Fundamentals to give your paintings Dynamic Visual Impact. You get David’s personal attention and feedback on all of your work during the course.
On Sale Now for $100 OFF!
Design Fundamentals for the Artist
What Every Artist Needs to Know to Build a Solid Foundation for Their Art Making.
The best artist's know, and can implement, design fundamentals in their work. David has developed Design Fundamentals for the Artist because at his workshops students constantly comment that nobody has ever taught them design. This course focuses on five major design fundamentals: Shape, Value, Color, Edges and Center of Interest.
On Sale Now for $50 OFF!
The Painting Insider
This Course is Currently Not Accepting New Students
All About COLOR
Everything You Need to Know About Color in One Place!
All About COLOR will help you understand and implement color harmony in your work. This is the most straightforward, clear and easily understandable approach to color use in paintings. You’ll learn everything you need to know, without any artsy talk. Concise, actionable information that you can start using today!
Now On Sale for $50 OFF!
Online Short Courses
Using the Color Wheel
Only Purchase this Course if You Want to Learn How to Use the Color Wheel!
Using the Color Wheel. Has anyone (even an art instructor) ever asked you to purchase a color wheel, or told you need a color wheel, but then never taught you how to use it? In this course I’ll show you exactly how to use it and provide you with a system to implement all the color combinations in your work. Includes 13 video tutorials. $47
Student Testimonials
“Oh My Goodness! This course was more than I ever thought possible. The biggest and most important thing that you did was level the playing field by using the colors that are available to all of us; so what you did we also got! I was also thrilled that there is someone else out there that absolutely LOVES color! The timing of each module was overload. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience and expertise, it was so needed. You have put my painting world back together; and you delivered big time. Colors heal and touch the spirit and that is what I want my art to do, and you showed me how. Thank you David”
“I almost get emotional watching this video. This video alone is worth the cost of All About Color to me. I can’t tell you how this lesson was an ah-ha moment. I have struggled with my painting, knowing something important was missing, now I know what it is and how to get some direction and still make room for plenty of improv. Thanks again!”
“David, Thank you so much for creating your new course “All About Color”, it is in a word Awesome! I’ve read a lot of books on color and your course is hands down the most complete, practical, easiest to understand & implement explanation of color I have ever seen.My favorite part of the course is your explanation of the warm and cool variations of each primary color. This alone is worth the price of admission and explains why so many color mixtures don’t turn out as intended. Your demonstrations of mixing secondary and tertiary colors are so eye-opening and helpful. I will refer to these again and again. Your painting demonstrations are an unexpected bonus. All of them are fantastic and packed with valuable information. Talking about color is one thing but seeing how you choose colors, mix up your color palette, and create a painting with them is invaluable. I would have paid to watch just your four demos alone. I’m amazed at all the information you packed into this course David. What’s even better is you made the info so fun and easy to understand. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us.”
“Dear David , I completed Abstract Painting Academy about 2 weeks ago. I painted 7 big works after the course in the last 2 weeks . There is an astonishing change in the way I use colors now - it’s very visible. My paintings look fresher , bolder and very alive . Thank you so much ! I’m grateful to you. ”
Art Biz 101
A Great Art Business Course That Will Help You Get Your New Art Business Started
Art Biz 101 will give you the tools and information you need to create the art business of your dreams. David noticed that many creatives are not strong in business and financial basics, so he developed this course. Art Biz 101 provides the information you need to turn an art hobby into your art business. $97
5 Easy Steps to Begin Abstract Painting Today!
Start HERE If You're New to Abstract Painting
David M. Kessler's 5 Easy Steps to Begin Abstract Painting Today! is the easiest and fastest way to begin abstract painting in your studio with just the materials you have on hand. There is nothing to buy and no artsy-fartsy intellectual exercises to do. David's 5 Step Process is so easy you can have an abstract painting, or a series of abstract paintings done at the end of the day! It's that easy! $47
“David, I’m taking this opportunity to give you some feedback on Abstract Painting Academy. The course was wonderfully succinct and focused on exactly the right essentials for creating successful paintings. I am still trying to internalize all the lessons and make them more automatic but doing the course was the springboard I needed and I recall it in my mind frequently when I paint. Abstraction is exactly the painting language that suits my temperament and I am finally beginning to find my own voice as a painter and artist. There is a long way to go, I know, but thank you for providing this crucial stepping stone.”
“Thank you David for All About Color! I have learned so much taking this course about color. As I have said before, I was surprised by the low price compared to the high quality of the course! I will go back and listen to, and practice each lesson in this course! If you ever do a workshop in Crystal Beach or Tampa Florida, count me in! I’ve enjoyed watching you create your paintings along with your witty sense of humor!”
“I Wanted to say thank you so much for creating Design Fundamentals for the Artist - I am so thankful! I started with your book and recently purchased Design Fundamentals for the Artist. I had to write to let you know how much I appreciate the easy to understand, concise information that has completely transformed my work! I have been painting abstracts for a couple of years, but with no formal art training or background - your course provided exactly the foundation I needed for things to start coming together. Thank you so much - these videos are essential for someone like me, who is having fun creating abstract art but lacks the educational background in design.”
“David, thank you for taking the time to make this online class possible. It’s exactly what I need to motivate me to get out of my comfort zone and find more satisfaction in my work. LOVE Abstract Painting Academy!”
“This course (All About Color) was amazing. I previously completed Design Fundamentals which included material on color, so I was concerned this might be redundant. This went far, far beyond what I had previously learned. I now feel like I have an actual working knowledge of how to use, combine and mix color effectively in my paintings. As with the prior course, you provide the tools so that the student can paint whatever they choose to. For many years I followed directions from other teachers on what colors to use in a painting and how to mix them without ever understanding why. All of those decisions are now mine to make with what I have learned from you. As with the previous course of yours I truly enjoy your teaching style. You are clear, direct and concise. Your enthusiasm for painting is evident throughout and is contagious. Your humor and warmth make it very enjoyable. I hope you develop more new courses in the future.”
“All About Color is a comprehensive and creative portal to everything I’ve ever wanted to know about how to create cohesive work using color. I’ve taken many classes in my life, but have never seen one that included this much information in such an easy to follow format. I recommend taking notes as you watch the videos, as David generously shares so much information. I especially loved the part where David shows examples of his work and then other artists’ work for each type of color combination. It really allowed me to grasp the combinations at work, and now I’m pointing them out in work I see online or in my world. This class also really gave me a better understanding of the paints that I have on hand and helped me identify some holes I had in my own supplies. It also gave me a great base for endless combinations using what I already have on hand. I really enjoyed the paint mixing demos, and have been following David’s color mixing exercise in my own studio. And, watching David paint is always a gift. Seeing him complete several paintings from start to finish using these color theories really expanded my understanding of them and how to implement them into my own work.
Great work, David. Thank you for sharing your passion for COLOR with us in yet another great class!”