Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser Abstract Painting Workshops
Have you ever wondered how to Loosen-Up your painting style? Paint Fresher paintings? Be more Spontaneous? Be more Expressive? Paint Bigger paintings? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then my "Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser" Abstract Painting Workshops are for you! I will teach you how to do each of these realizing there should also be a firm foundation of structure for your paintings using shape, value, color, edges and center of interest. These workshops are not media specific. All who utilize watercolor, acrylic, pastel, oil or mixed media are welcome.
David is Part of the GOLDEN Artist Educator Program
David is a Certified GOLDEN Artist Educator, which means he has extensive training by GOLDEN Artist Colors in GOLDEN paint and the application of GOLDEN gels, pastes and mediums. Only 20 people a year from North and South America get chosen for this very selective program.
I’m currently retired from teaching in-person abstract painting workshops - for now. However, I have several online workshops to choose from. You can click the button below to fins out more.