Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser

Photo Apr 09, 12 47 30 PM.jpg

Painting students have long asked how to loosen-up their painting techniques. Because of that request I developed my "Loosen-Up" Painting Workshops.

One of the keys to loosening up is to think Bigger. You wouldn't use a 1" brush to cover a 48x48" canvas would you? Of course not, you need to use at least a 3" brush - think Bigger. To cover the same canvas you wouldn't put a dime sized dollop of paint on your palette would you? Of course not, you need a big 3-4" wide slab of each paint color on your palette. That is why you should utilize jars of paint instead of tubes - think Bigger. To cover the same canvas you wouldn't only move your wrist would you? Of course not, you would move your entire arm from the shoulder (or if you are like me your entire body) - think Bigger. Painting Bigger means you will paint Looser.

Another key to loosening up is to paint Faster. Painting Faster keeps your analytical mind at bay allowing your spontaneity to run wild.  Paint it quickly without pre-conceived ideas or analysis. Once the painting is complete, or mostly complete, then take time to analyze the work and make corrections as necessary. Painting Faster means you will paint Looser.

What you will find after painting Bigger and Faster is that your work will be Fresher. You will minimize pre-mixing and mix colors on the canvas; you will forget about nagging details and focus on large shapes and values; you will simplify your approach to maintain your spontaneity. Painting Fresher means you will paint Looser.

Everybody can do this. You don't have to be a master painter; you don't need decades of experience. You only need an open mind, an open heart, and a willingness to do things differently. You can do this!

Join me at one of my Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser Workshops or join one of my online courses.