Look Where You're Going in 2020

Look Where You’re Going in 2020

A couple of decades ago I was a mid life crisis, I suppose, and bought a couple of motorcycles. I wanted to be safe riding them, so I took a rider safety course. One of the instructors uttered a phrase which has become very important for me ever since: “Look where you’re going, cause you’ll go where you’re looking.” This is directly applicable to riding motorcycles because your head and vision determines where the bike will go.

I have found it to be applicable to many things in life as well, including running a business or general goal setting. As we begin a new year and a new decade, it’s time to determine where we want to go, so “Look Where You’re Going” seemed to be appropriate. You really will “Go Where You’re Looking” so make sure you’re looking in the right direction. Develop a place you want to go, or a thing you want to accomplish this year (Look Where You’re Going) and then keep yourself focused on it.

The biggest obstacle I have found is distraction. Distractions are everywhere! If we pay too much attention to what others are doing, particularly on social media, we can begin to lose our focus or think that our goals should be changed to match what others are doing.

The only thing that matters is WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Who cares what anyone else is doing. Set a path and then stick to the path, regardless of what others are doing. Only you know what’s best for you, and what and how you will accomplish something.

If you’re not sure where you should look, something that helps me is to determine what brings you the most joy, fulfillment and happiness. That’s your inner spirit giving you direction. Never discount what your heart is telling you, or those “nudges” that you feel.

If you can determine a natural path for yourself and not get distracted, I guarantee you can accomplish anything you want to. Love and Blessings to all of you for 2020!

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of 2020 workshops HERE)

  • January 22-24, 2020 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and registration, Click Here. Sold Out!

  • February 1-2, 2020 Lighthouse Art Center, Tequesta, FL. Contact Maria Tritico:.Email: maria@lighthousearts.org. For Information and registration Click Here.

  • February 19-21 Gadsden Art Center, Quincy, FL. Contact Anissa Ford. Email: anissa.ford@gadsdenarts.org. For information and registration Click Here.

  • March 9-11 Hickory Museum of Art, Hickory, NC. Contact Ginny Zellmer, Email: gzellmer@hickoryart.org. For information and registration Click Here.

  • March 26-28 Franciscan Life Process Center, Lowell, MI. Contact Kathy Bechtel, Email: kbechtel@lifeprocesscenter.org. For information and registration Click Here.

  • April 3-4 Greenville, SC, Greenville Center for Creative Arts. Contact: Liz Rundorff Smith, Email: liz@artcentergreenville.org. For information and registration Click Here.

  • April 22-24 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and registration, Click Here.

As always, thanks for your support!



Artsy T-Shirts

If you have seen my videos on YouTube or taken one of my workshops, you have probably seen me wearing these great t-shirts that I designed. I have long sleeve, short sleeve, sweatshirts, unisex styles, women's styles, etc.
You can see the shirts HERE.

ALL ABOUT COLOR is my newest online course that will show you a straightforward, no nonsense, clear and easily understandable approach to using harmonious color in your paintings.

Click Here to Learn More