Renew Your Spirit Through Art

Renew Your Spirit Through Art

The world has gone crazy! With all of the negativity and illness in the world today I have given up on watching any news outlets - I just can’t take it. It puts me in a bad mood and I would rather be happy. Rather than having my attention on what’s going on in the world, I turn my attention to making things.

I’m a maker and I have always been. The making mostly revolves around creating art, but I have also recently made a planter, a trellis, a fence and helped a friend put together a gazebo. For me, it’s all about making something with my hands. Creating is the most elemental thing. People have been making things during our whole existence. People have been making art for nearly 20,000 years. The cave paintings in Lascaux, France are believed to have been made 17,000-18,000 BC.

Those of us that are makers are very lucky indeed. We can create something from nothing. We can retreat to our studios or workshops to escape what is happening in the world and focus on creating. We can temporarily get lost in another world - a world of beauty. We can come out of those same studios and workshops refreshed with renewed spirits.

Once you have created something, please get out there and share it with the rest of us so that we can enjoy what you have created. Today, that sharing will probably happen online rather than in person, but that’s OK. I look forward to seeing what you make!

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting and making your own authentic work, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of workshops HERE)

As always, thanks for your support!


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Simple Color System Colorwheel

If you have seen my videos on YouTube or taken one of my workshops, you have seen me use my Simple Color System Colorwheel. My Simple Color System is easy to use and assures that the color in your paintings will be harmonious. Proudly made in North Carolina.

You can purchase the Colorwheel HERE.

Have Put My Online Workshops On Sale Again Because I know How Hard it is to Travel to Workshops Right Now. You can see a full list of my Online Workshops Here.

ALL ABOUT COLOR is a great online course that will show you a straightforward, no nonsense, clear and easily understandable approach to using harmonious color in your paintings. On Sale Now-Save $50!

Click Here to Learn More

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Abstract Painting Academy is an online workshop experience specifically designed to teach you how to paint Abstract Paintings (like only you can!), Loosen Up your painting style, and use Design Fundamentals to give your paintings Dynamic Visual Impact. You get David’s personal attention and feedback on all of your work during the course. On Sale Now-Save $100!
Click Here to Find Out More

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The Painting Insider (formerly Abstract Painting Insider) now has a new format and is not abstract painting specific. Weekly lessons provide an abundance of information to painters at any level. I have poured information about everything I have learned about painting over the last 30 years into one course! On Sale Now-Save 30% Off the Monthly Rate!

Click Here to Find Out More