Painting a Series

Painting a Series

When I began my painting life I had no idea what it meant to paint in a series, and it took many years before I was introduced to the idea. Once I began to embrace the concept, my painting skills quickly began to improve. What does it mean to paint a series? Painting a series is simply painting multiple paintings, one after another, around a common theme. The theme could be color related, composition related, subject matter related, approach related or location related.

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Abstract Painting Academy is Now Live

Abstract Painting Academy is Now Live

Abstract Painting Academy is an online version of David's wildly popular Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser Abstract Painting Workshops. This online workshop is specifically designed for those who, for whatever reason, cannot attend one of David's live workshop events. The in-depth content is the same that he teaches to hundreds of students in live workshop events all across the country each year.

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Inspiration vs. Showing Up Everyday

Inspiration vs. Showing Up Everyday

The most common question asked of any artist is: What is your inspiration? I believe that lots of people use this as an icebreaker to begin a conversation about the art. My typical answer to this question is that I am inspired by many things around me: the landscape, nature, the seasons, the ocean, the energy of a big city and color. Although I am inspired many by things, I DO NOT RELY ON INSPIRATION to paint. I believe that the myth of artist's requiring inspiration has come from the media and those that don't paint.

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The Un-Intended Life of a Professional Artist

The Un-Intended Life of a Professional Artist

I never intended to become a professional artist; I never intended to travel the country teaching others how to create abstract paintings in a loose, free manner; I never intended to be an abstract painter; I never intended to write a book or a blog; I never intended to be an expert in my field contacted by people all over the world for advice on painting. I am always amazed at what has happened in my life, regardless of what my intentions may have been. For those that may not know, just a few years ago I was an architect and a watercolor painter painting mostly landscapes.

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Artists Must Maintain Consistency in Their Work

Artists Must Maintain Consistency in Their Work

Consistency may be the most important word to describe the activity of a successful professional artist. Consistency in the type of work created; consistency in the presentation of what is produced; consistency in the marketing message; consistency in the brand; consistency in posting to social media; consistency in studio practices; consistency in producing work; and consistency in keeping up with customers are just a few that come to mind.

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So You Want to be a Better Painter? Make More Paintings

So You Want to be a Better Painter? Make More Paintings

There are so many resources available to artists in these days of data and information consumption. Ads can be seen everywhere promising that we can be better painters or sell more paintings or be masters of color just by signing up for this or that seminar, or newsletter, or whatever the ad du jour happens to be.

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