The Painting of "Sea Glass 10"

The Painting of “Sea Glass 10”

In this video I am painting on a 24x48 canvas with GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylic Paint. The spray bottle you see me using is filled with water, which helps the paint to spread better across the surface. The canvas was coated with a thick layer of gesso and allowed to dry before the painting was done. The thick gesso adds a nice textural quality to the surface of the canvas.

I do no pre-planning for these paintings, allowing my intuition to take over to guide me through the process. It takes belief in yourself and a willingness to just let go. The only pre-planning done was to select a color combination to work with. This painting is another in a continuing series called “Sea Glass.” As you might expect from the title, the ocean and sea glass pieces are the driver for the color combination, which is an analogous scheme and includes yellow-green, green, blue-green and blue. The dominant colors are blue and blue-green with the non-dominant color as green and an accent color of yellow-green.

I show the palette near the beginning of the video (and after the painting is complete). I used the following GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylic colors:

  • Benzimidazolone Yellow Light

  • Pyrrole Orange

  • Viridian Hue

  • Minty G (custom color I make)

  • Cerulean Blue Deep

  • Cobalt Blue Hue

  • Cobalt Green

  • Cobalt Turquoise

  • Jenkins Green

  • Ultramarine Blue

  • Anthraquinone Blue (Indigo)

  • Titanium White

Once the colors are out on the palette I mix a small amount of Pyrrole Orange with all the other colors to neutralize the colors just a bit (I know that orange is not the complement of green, but Pyrrole Orange has lots of red in it, so it works fine). I then mix a bit of white with most of the colors as well, knowing that most of the colors will be on the lighter value side of the value scale (based on previous paintings in the series).

Once the palette is ready and the music is loud, I paint. I let the colors, shapes and values guide me through the painting. I feel my way through, always massaging the shapes, colors and values to get them to all work together to form a cohesive composition.

The actual painting time was about 45 minutes beginning to end. I did modify a couple parts of the painting after the video was over. You should be able to see the differences between the video image and the painting image shown at the very end of the painting. You have to look closely because the changes are subtle.

You can see the finished painting HERE-It’s Available

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of 2019 workshops HERE)

  • June 12-14, 2019 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and registration Click Here. Only 1 seat left!

  • June 20-22 Floyd Art Center, Floyd, VA. For information and registration Click Here.

  • July 10-12 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio-Mentorship Workshop, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and registration Click Here.

  • July 19 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio-Modern Watercolor on Canvas, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and registration Click Here.

  • July 24-26 Showcase Art Center, Greeley, CO. For information and registration contact Colette Pitcher, email:

  • August 7-9 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and Registration Click Here.

As always, thanks for your support!


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