3 Ways to Forge Your Own Artistic Path

3 Ways to Forge Your Own Artistic Path

Finally we are moving into a new year and leaving 2020 behind us - can I get an Amen! With a new year comes lots of promise for can happen. If you’re thinking of making a change this year, maybe you want to pursue an art career full time or maybe you’ve decided you’re going to pursue art as a hobby or a side hustle, then I hope this video will help you move forward in a way that is uniquely “You.”

Here are my 3 Ways to Forge Your Own Artistic Path:

  1. Be true to yourself.

  2. Do what you do best.

  3. Distinguish your work from that of others.

Sounds pretty basic, right? Let’s take a look at each one.

Be True to Yourself. This sounds like what everyone tells you to do, but what does it really mean? Authentic is another buzzword that is often used, but actually makes sense. Being true to yourself is simply being you. If you want to be a maker, you can’t be someone you aren’t. Likewise, you can’t paint what isn’t you. Don’t try to be something or someone different than who you really are.

You have unique gifts that only you possess. Only you can paint like you. Only you can communicate like you. Only you can provide the message that you do to others. Realize what your gifts are and use them to be uniquely “You”.

Do What You Do Best. Wow, this sounds easy. Yes, but is it? Do you know what you do best? Have you taken the time to find out what your strengths are? The kind of painting you do best? What you are really good at? Most people don’t.

Maybe you create lots of different work. Maybe some of it is better than others. Find out what it is that you do best, and move forward with it. Leave the so-so stuff alone and move forward with the good stuff. Don’t do something that goes against your natural instincts. Your instincts and your gut will give you the right information, you just have to learn to recognize it when it shows up. Utilize your unique gifts in a way that only you can.

Distinguish Your Work from Others. This is so difficult today with access to social media, particularly Youtube and Instagram. It would be easy just to copy someone else’s style - I see it all the time. It’s harder to dig deep inside and see what’s in your heart that wants to come out. I said it before - YOU have unique gifts that no one else possesses. You need to use those gifts to create work that only you can do. Don’t look for outside influences - look inside you, the answers are already there.

I’ve said many times before that my approach was to do the opposite of what I saw other abstract painters doing. I used that philosophy coupled with my unique gifts and a process that works for me.

I hope this is helpful as we move into a new year full of possibility.

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting and making your own authentic work, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of workshops HERE)

As always, thanks for your support!


NEW! Interactive (Zoom) Mini Workshops

I have just added 6 new Interactive Mini Workshops (on the Zoom platform) to my website. Most are 3 to 6 hours long and are a great opportunity for learning a lot in a short amount of time. You’ll be online and onscreen with me as I instruct, demonstrate, paint, and critique your work.

You can see a list of All my Online Workshops HERE.

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Simple Color System Colorwheel

If you have seen my videos on YouTube or taken one of my workshops, you have seen me use my Simple Color System Colorwheel. My Simple Color System is easy to use and assures that the color in your paintings will be harmonious. Proudly made in North Carolina.

You can purchase the Colorwheel HERE.

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ALL ABOUT COLOR is a great online course that will show you a straightforward, no nonsense, clear and easily understandable approach to using harmonious color in your paintings.

Click Here to Learn More

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Abstract Painting Academy is an online workshop experience specifically designed to teach you how to paint Abstract Paintings (like only you can!), Loosen Up your painting style, and use Design Fundamentals to give your paintings Dynamic Visual Impact. You get David’s personal attention and feedback on all of your work during the course.
Click Here to Find Out More

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The Painting Insider (formerly Abstract Painting Insider) now has a new format and is not abstract painting specific. Weekly lessons provide an abundance of information to painters at any level. I have poured information about everything I have learned about painting over the last 30 years into one course!

Click Here to Find Out More