The Painting of "Red Fusion"

The Painting of “Red Fusion”

This is the first painting in a series I hope to do using a single color family combined with black, white and gray. This is a variation on a monochromatic color combination. In a monochromatic combination you would use only one color plus black and white.

I am using a very limited palette for this painting:
GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylic colors:

  • Light Magenta

  • Pink (custom mixture of Light Magenta, Medium Magenta and Titanium White)

  • Medium Magenta

  • Quinacridone Magenta

  • Cadmium Red Medium Hue

  • Neutral Gray 4

  • Neutral Gray 6

  • Mars Black

  • Titanium White

Marabu Art Crayons:

  • Rose Pink

  • Flesh

  • Pomegranate

  • Raspberry

I begin by putting in a few middle value gray shapes using Neutral Gray 4, 6 and Mars Black. These initial shapes get me into the painting process. Students always ask, “What are you thinking right now?” I try not to think about anything other than shape, value and color. I have done well over a thousand abstract paintings (maybe even closer to 2 thousand), so most of what I am doing when painting is simply intuitive.

It’s hard to explain, but I just let the brush do its thing. I’m not thinking about any specific composition. I am letting the painting evolve naturally, especially at first when everything is nebulous. Once I get a few shapes and colors in, I begin looking at how the shapes fit together and the values work together.

Another thing I try hard to do is mix my colors together across the shapes. I see many students who segregate their colors, and then ask how to blend the edges between those segregated color blocks. My process is more organic. I just mix the colors together as I put them in, thus integrating all the colors and shapes in the painting. I usually don’t have to worry too much about blending an edge, because that happens naturally as the paint is applied. Again, this approach comes from many paintings done over many years.

I realized after reviewing the video that the camera was not in the best location, and my body and head get in the way of you viewing some of the painting - sorry about that.

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting and making your own authentic work, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of workshops HERE)

As always, thanks for your support!


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Simple Color System Colorwheel

If you have seen my videos on YouTube or taken one of my workshops, you have seen me use my Simple Color System Colorwheel. My Simple Color System is easy to use and assures that the color in your paintings will be harmonious. Proudly made in North Carolina.

You can purchase the Colorwheel HERE.

Have Put My Online Workshops On Sale Again Because I know How Hard it is to Travel to Workshops Right Now. You can see a full list of my Online Workshops Here.

ALL ABOUT COLOR is a great online course that will show you a straightforward, no nonsense, clear and easily understandable approach to using harmonious color in your paintings. On Sale Now-Save $50!

Click Here to Learn More

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Abstract Painting Academy is an online workshop experience specifically designed to teach you how to paint Abstract Paintings (like only you can!), Loosen Up your painting style, and use Design Fundamentals to give your paintings Dynamic Visual Impact. You get David’s personal attention and feedback on all of your work during the course. On Sale Now-Save $100!
Click Here to Find Out More

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The Painting Insider (formerly Abstract Painting Insider) now has a new format and is not abstract painting specific. Weekly lessons provide an abundance of information to painters at any level. I have poured information about everything I have learned about painting over the last 30 years into one course! On Sale Now-Save 30% Off the Monthly Rate!

Click Here to Find Out More