Techniques Won't Make You a Better Painter

Techniques Won't Make You a Better Painter

Did you know that every time you make a painting your design skills are on display? Whether the design is good, bad or otherwise the world can see your design skill.

Making a good painting with good design is hard, but I try diligently to make the designs as good as my skill allows. At the same time, I can figure that about 40% of what I do gets cut off the stretcher, thrown in the trash or gessoed over, never to see the light of day again. I’ve been painting for 30 years and I am still learning about design and how to make a good painting.

Everything comes down to the basics - to the fundamentals of design. If you don’t have an understanding of the fundamentals of designing a good painting, then the chances of you making a good painting are about the same as winning the lottery.

Many artists search for the key to better paintings in a new technique or a new medium. There is not a technique or a medium in the world that will make you a better painter.

Here are the two keys to being a better painter:

  1. Learn the Design Fundamentals and how to Implement them in a painting.

  2. Do lots and lots and lots of paintings practicing how to implement the design fundamentals.

I practice the fundamentals every time I paint. I practice - a lot! I hope I never get to the point where I know everything or where I think every painting I make is perfect. It’s a struggle and a journey that we are on as painters, and one that lasts a lifetimes. Have fun with it.

If you can benefit from learning the fundamentals of painting design I have a course called Design Fundamentals for the Artist that you can learn about HERE.

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting and making your own authentic work, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of workshops HERE)

As always, thanks for your support!


Simple Color System Colorwheel

If you have seen my videos on YouTube or taken one of my workshops, you have seen me use my Simple Color System Colorwheel. My Simple Color System is easy to use and assures that the color in your paintings will be harmonious. Proudly made in North Carolina.

You can purchase the Colorwheel HERE.

ALL ABOUT COLOR is a great online course that will show you a straightforward, no nonsense, clear and easily understandable approach to using harmonious color in your paintings. Now On Sale for $50 Off!

Click Here to Learn More

Abstract Painting Academy is an online workshop experience specifically designed to teach you how to paint Abstract Paintings (like only you can!), Loosen Up your painting style, and use Design Fundamentals to give your paintings Dynamic Visual Impact. You get David’s personal attention and feedback on all of your work during the course. Now On Sale for $100 Off!
Click Here to Find Out More

The Painting Insider (formerly Abstract Painting Insider) now has a new format and is not abstract painting specific. Weekly lessons provide an abundance of information to painters at any level. I have poured information about everything I have learned about painting over the last 30 years into one course!

Click Here to Find Out More